Tuesday 29 March 2011

Final Piece 'Keep On Running'

So after long colouring and editing from my test run. I finished my piece, clipped and mixed my sounds and applying that to my piece, a few twiqs was made here and there and I was finally happy with the piece which I made. It was much Longer than I expected but I didn't really have a limit just cracked on with it and this was the end result.

I present Sonic The Hedgehog 20th Anniversary 'Keep On Running'

I am happy with what I have done and hope people can see the effort it took to make it and enjoy every second as I did making it to replay it a few times and share it too people they know. I hope to use what I have learnt to produce much more of my own work from the many skills which I have learnt in this project. So hope you enjoy and look out for my future work. J doooodle Out!!!

Check & Expose

Colouuur and Colour!!

Yeah so doing it all by hand takes some time so i hope you kinda get where im going with this. But it was worth it in the end:D p.s this is not even close to how muchi had to colour :P

Gotta Keep Colouring!!

Yeah so thats a few more pieces which i have coloured in.....

Spin Test

So i did the spin test and it actually look pretty dumb doing it but i hope it helps out in some way!

Lets Work

So ive edited a few areas on my piece and decieded to start animating and see how it goes with that. I want to complete the animating side and then add the detail after so here is my 1st Run of Doodlemation!!

I thought to take a look....

So i decided to have a look on youtube for what animations that people have done but also remembered that there was a few old sonic cartoons which i used to watch so here a few of the videos that i checked out....

There was alot of great animations out there and cant show them all but heres 2 and The Sonic cartoon i watched!!

Intro Test 2!!!

This is the 2nd part to my Intro. The spin looks weird because i cant get the movemoent right so ill have shoot a video ma self of me doing it and re draw out the frames. I am also going to add a moving background like how sonic has in the games behind him.

Intro Test 1!!!

My Sega Intro Test. I don't like the look of the running so i will be re drawing that to make it look better for ma final.

Letss Colour in!!

This is how i want my Final Images to look!

Style Of Animation

Well I have been doing my own work and this the style I do. This is my Shroom piece with my versions of Sonic & Mario in it XD.

Fly Away!

I'm having Super Sonic Fly Away at the end so i just thought id test how that would work and this is it.

Walk And Run Sonic Dooodle!!

So im putting together my walk and run cycle to see how that looks. and this is the result. With better timing it will look better because he is going way to fast once he is running. but im please that it works :D.

Static T.V

I want this to be like playing a video Game so I am going to add static at the beginning as if your about to turn the game on. I've found a way to do it and here's the test I produced.


Water for Ancient Ruins

Bug for DoomsDay Zone

SnowBall for Icecap

I will be having things going on in the background or interacting with sonic so i gotta draw all those out seperatly there are a few examples.....


I am doing a pretty simple run through. I am going to be using 2 stages from each game up to sonic & knuckles which i will only be using 1. So it will begin with sonic 1 - Green Hill, Marble Zone. Sonic 2 - Anchient Ruins, Casino Night. Sonic 3 - Ice Cap, launchbase. S & K - Doomsday Zone. i Liked the final bout stage with robotnik in the 2nd game so im using that 1 and then sonic will proceed to the fly away.


I'm going to be doing it like the game and have sprites for each action which sonic or anything that moves does. here are some examples.

Monday 28 March 2011

Next came a DoodleBoard!

So from the quick quick idea technique I kinda had a idea of how I wanted my story to go so I doodled out my story board, scanned it in and quickly mixed music to get an idea of how I want my piece to be.

So it began with a Doodle!

After deciding which brief we would choose out of a big list. I choose Sega's competition brief because I thought it could be a enjoyable piece. To start us off we was set time limits to draw a quick doodle of what ever came to mind and the time kept getting shorter every few drawings. Here's mine..........

3rd Page

2nd Page

1st Page

Late Bloomer!

Okay so i started a project in january and i am only now gonna be uploading the stuff for it.... Lol Blogs aint my thing but here's my work towards my sonic 20th Anniversary Project. Enjoy the Journey. Check & Expose. DoOodle Out!