Thursday 16 December 2010

Re Animate (Biro Spree)

So I had the motivation to edit my piece and sorted all the things said at my assessment/what I thought I needed to change and feel this has helped the piece. Have a watch and see what you think. Doodle Out!

Another pink guy which I owe credit to!

So yeah this is Kirby and I used music with in his game Kirby dreamland 3. I heard the song and thought it work well for my piece and lucky enough it did because of its pace and energetic rhythm it has. Hopefully I can keep using it and not have to remove it due to copyright if my piece is to be chosen.

Review of Project/Assessment

So I had my Assessment today it went much better than I thought I would get, positive feed back, on concept and choice of music which I need to confirm that it can be used due to copyright issue. only thing was the ending and the areas which I already knew I needed to change. I will edit these parts at some point just to have a much more complete piece.

My thoughts are that the project was a success, though I changed major things a crucial times it still worked out fine and what I envisioned came to life in the final piece. The whole fast pace experience of shopping so I am proud of this. With all the trial and errors those are the things which I can not do next time and hopefully this will improve my production as a animator.

Student finance is going to look over the videos again with the rest of the staff to see what they think and decide which one they are going to use, it would be good if mine got chosen.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Final Piece (The Biro-spree)

So I finally finished my animation, and I am pleased with the out come, some images are a bit off when they move in scene 2 and its slightly fast at the end but all and all its a success. If I get the time I will edit those bits and re-upload the video.

Parts which make up the animation.

So this is the extra bits and bobs which appear in my animation.

This is the main images which makes the pig do what he does :D

Final StoryBoard

So this is my final story board, hope its clear.


This is all the things I was looking at relating to ma piece. So we got.....

Pinball machines

Much better research :D

Review Point (Work Check)

So I just had a Work check on what I had done, showing everything I had done, I had already known my fault before I had went so when I found out the things I had to do I wasn't surprised. But what did surprise me was how my concept was good and that they liked my 1st original idea so that pleased me. All I have to do now is more research, line test, make scene's more clearer annnnd re do my final piece with in 7 days ermmm wont be too hard :P.

Walk Test

Looks like I am getting the hang on flash..... yeah my pig walks :)

So far sooo Good!?

So I gone through ma piece, flash was being hard on me and freezing a lot so I did this in parts. Ermmmm lets give a quick review...... so this ain't as good as I thought it could of been and..... ooo its alright my assessment ain't for 2 weeks but I do need to adjust this make it a bit better. I neeed some Advice.....

Stumbled Across a good idea!

So I am at the student services office at millennium point and while I was waiting to be seen, I saw this. Pretty cool ay, well with the idea it is :D so I thought back to my doodling and how students do this sometimes when they are "listening" and though how about the leaflet had been doodled on and that's the key idea of having the top and bottom banner around my piece and having my animation run. Being in biro helps aswell :P.

Look What I Found!!

Ermmmm so looking around my house I stumbled across this foam made pig, which would have been a great inspiration if i had gotten a bit early..... daarn always the case ay but hey student finance maybe it would be a good give out when you do presentations :D.

So lets see how it looks......

Looks alright to me, so another reason I decided to do this is because I wanted a different approach to how I was doing it instead of shot by shot piece.

Lets change that.......

Okay so look at this.... not much to see but i just come up with the idea to do all my animation in this piece.... I dunno where I have seen it before where the rooms are joint and the transaction of a piece sliding from one to another happens. But i like this idea better but I gotta know where I have seen it hmmmmm....

Barclays and Pigs

Hmmm its really interesting that as ive been doing this advert for student finance on "PIGS" and suddenly Barclays brings out a advert on "PIGS"! May not be that surprising to a lot of you but to be thats unbelievable, great animating work though :P.

Review Point ( Mistakes and learning Point)

When I was doing my piece I was drawing this which didn't need to be drawn again because it wasn't moving so all I needed to do is draw what was changing and the none moving object can just be drawn once, this I something which I had to learn the hard way :(. But now that I know this I can move on.


So this is my starting point. A few points I decided to make it that when he gets to town he is hit by a flicker like in a pin ball game, that scene was told to me because of how it looked when he was going from 1 shop to the other, which I like this part about the piece because I feel it makes it a little bit more enjoyable. I added sounds to parts in the animatic because I felt it would boost the viewing of it. Though I now feel its a bit cheesy at times so maybe ill just make it a music based piece because most adverts these days are like that.

Style & Character Design

This is my character design for my pig and the style I will be using for my animation piece. ive been told it looks a little evil which isn't my intention lol.

As I was doing this project I was producing some of my own work. which was based on my Shroom character and his mini adventures, whilst at the flash course I found my self doodling and these 2 drawings was the end result. The right image then got developed into a little animation clip. I like the style of it and will do my pig animation the same. Doing this gave me new insights into how to use flash as im still learning.


So I got a varied amount of piggy bank images to get designs and concepts which i could use for my idea, looking back on it now, my research was really lacking and this would slow the pace of my piece and how it looks and flows.

Mind maps

So I began my project by doing mind maps of the various topics which we had relating to the student finance. I tried to come up with as many things as I could though I find it hard at times of what to do for each. spending was the easiest in my eyes.

From doing that I started to form more final ideas relating to how the pig could be involved. And the idea I developed was of the pig going on a shopping spree, spending too much and not being able to get on the bus home.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

My Most Significant Story.....

Starting some place new!

Starting at a new place is always hard so when I had to start my 2nd primary school half way through the term at the age of 7 I would remember this feeling in the future.
Entering the class room for the first time and seeing all the little heads turn my way was a very uneasy feeling for me and so going into a place late was a hard task for me in the future.
Break time: Orange juice carton and some crisp, play football for 15mins
Once I got introduced, I felt a little better because my teacher had also just started , I actually can’t remember her name but I’m curious to how she must of felt jus starting for me it was awful.
So continuing the day I just felt like the new kid, making new kid mistakes in work though I knew it, saying new kid jokes at the wrong time you know the usual new kid behaviour that I didn’t want to become a part of.
Lunch time: the food was probably something I may not of liked but desert was always a great and football again for a hour!
As you go throughout the day there’s always people who you will gravitate to you and become your friends and others that you repel and become not so friendly people but that’s just the way it goes it seems and by day 1 I had made a good friend.
I finally made it through the day in one piece and it was time to head home but always in the back of my mind I would be doing it again the next day and many times in the future when I have to start some place new.

Sooo this is the new blog for the year....

So ive started up my new blog time to get posting :D.. Doodle out