Monday 25 April 2011

past adverts and there running themes....

I looked at each products past adverts and they all seem to carry a theme through out them not really changing just making them mordern

Werther's Orginals

Lion Bar

Galaxy Chocolate

Each Idea??

So for Werther originals we chose to use the grandfather and grandson theme as the children go to school they get into a discussion about who's grandfather is better with each kids grandfather being more exaggerated and over powering the previous until the last kid says his grandfather east Werther originals which beats the rest.

Lion Bar - lions prey on zebras and jump out to attack them which leads to a dance off which the zebra's win and the lions get angry and attack them.

Galaxy chocolate - playing on the take on me music video a girl sits in a café eating a galaxy chocolate reading a magazine where a image of a guy begins to move incising her to want him and as he reaches out to touch her he snatches the chocolate instead and eats it to him self.

Digital Animation project

So for this project we have to advertise a confectionery product in groups. In our groups we brainstormed our ideas and went with choosing Werther originals, Lion Bar & Galaxy chocolate. we all then came up with ideas for each one and then storyboarded them which we would choose the best and produce a animatic for.