Wednesday 3 November 2010

My Most Significant Story.....

Starting some place new!

Starting at a new place is always hard so when I had to start my 2nd primary school half way through the term at the age of 7 I would remember this feeling in the future.
Entering the class room for the first time and seeing all the little heads turn my way was a very uneasy feeling for me and so going into a place late was a hard task for me in the future.
Break time: Orange juice carton and some crisp, play football for 15mins
Once I got introduced, I felt a little better because my teacher had also just started , I actually can’t remember her name but I’m curious to how she must of felt jus starting for me it was awful.
So continuing the day I just felt like the new kid, making new kid mistakes in work though I knew it, saying new kid jokes at the wrong time you know the usual new kid behaviour that I didn’t want to become a part of.
Lunch time: the food was probably something I may not of liked but desert was always a great and football again for a hour!
As you go throughout the day there’s always people who you will gravitate to you and become your friends and others that you repel and become not so friendly people but that’s just the way it goes it seems and by day 1 I had made a good friend.
I finally made it through the day in one piece and it was time to head home but always in the back of my mind I would be doing it again the next day and many times in the future when I have to start some place new.

Sooo this is the new blog for the year....

So ive started up my new blog time to get posting :D.. Doodle out