Thursday 2 June 2011

The Final Outcome

I ain't had time to upload any images of the work I did to change the guy in the scene but I rotoscoped myself doing the action and this is how it turned out in the end, after being put into the full video. Got some Great feed back yesterday from everybody which I didn't expect but shows that working hard works out though I do see some areas that I want change but that is from watching hundreds of times ha ha. Ill use this experience to improve my skills and put towards future projects.

Sunday 22 May 2011


I found producing work for some else not hard but difficult to in-vision what they wanted but was a good experience to how it would be to produce work under someone. This project allowed me refine digital animation skills, in drawing a animation from the start on computer instead of by hand on paper. Produce backgrounds for animations which I ain't done yet but I know I will definitely need for my final major project next year. I feel I've gained a lot from doing this because I know now that I can produce work at a faster speed than I could before.

Something extra

I got the bird to fly across the screen at different sizes to you it more than once and get to see the detail when it is closer up :D

Finished Animation

So this is the complete animation. I've thought to make it smaller and make it fly across the screen to see if it will work which I will post up soon.

Bird flying semi complete

I've coloured it all in and I am happy with the end result, Just need to edit the wings so the start point is all the same because it moves around too much

Bird Body Colour

I coloured in the body to get a idea of how it would look. I made it slimmer than the temp body of the line test because it was a bit too big

Bird references

Being my favourite type of bird for its colouring and how it looks, I thought id base the bird on a falcon.